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A Series of Introductory Craft workshops for Teachers and Parents.

Hi crafty people,

we have a series of craft workshops coming up initiated by Helen Andieatta for her Steiner playgroup teachers . It came out of a story telling workshop they had together and a need to refine their craft skills to illustrate their stories. It is a a great introduction to the key craft techniques needed to make components for story telling , seasonal nature tables and waldorf inspired toys for kids. We are opening up the workshop to all teachers and parents as we realise how relevant and inspiring this work is for us all.

The sessions are being held

AT: The Time 4 Craft Studio.

COST: $160 for the 4 sessions ($30 tuition per session $10 materials.) Payable in advance.

BOOKINGS : Contact Helen Andreatta at to secure your place.

ON: Saturday May 9th – 10am -12.30 pm – Dry Felted Animals.Learn the building blocks to build any animal using dry felting techniques.


Saturday May23rd –10am -12.30 pm - Flexible felted pipecleaner characters (dolls).Learn to make thes dolls using an internal piecleaner frame using dry and wet felting techniques.


Saturday June 20th - 10am -12.30 pm – Felted story mat. Learn my simple and quick technique using dry and wet felting tecniques to make mats ,ponds, caves ,beaches oceans so you can build your own unique story settings.


And on the same day, 1pm-3 pm– Dyeing of Seasonal and Rainbow Silk Play cloths. Learn to use silk dyes and my simple rainbow dying tecnique that will enable you to create seasonla playclothes and rainbow ribbon sticks great for outdoor play and birthday party craft activities. BYO lunch to share


Please phone me on 0401335005 for more details. cheers Nikki

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